Piotr- I'm with you, man. I've had enough Hollywood people tell me that nobody wants to see a western anymore, to convince me it's high time for a new one!
Alina- I just visited your page, and I love your stuff!
"cow" boys! what a simple concept! LOL! damn that I didnt think of it! Love the overall design of these characters veeeery clean and streamlined love your economy of line. www.subwaysurfer.blogspot.com
You happen to remember an old 90s show called C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa? Ninja Turtle TV Show producer made that show?
Watched it all on Youtube, myself. Kinda on the same level as that.
I personally hope that tough guy bull is the hero rather then the villain. I've been thinking about role reversals lately. Could do that lex luthor thing where you got big muscly superman and Lex who is virtually invulnerably politically despite his dealings.
I got a question.. Why can't shows get dark anymore? I think Spectacular Spiderman and Avatar have been the darkest TV has been going recently.. That and Danny Phantom went pretty deep sometimes too.
Ernie is an award winning designer, art director, graphic designer and animator. Clients have included Nickelodeon, Walt Disney Television, Cartoon Network, American Greetings, and Sony, among others. Ernie has received two Emmy Awards from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, and two Annie Awards from the International Animated Film Society for his animation design work, and has taught at The Barnsdall Art Institute and at California State University- Northridge
awesome work ernie! id like to see a good ole cowboy toon, we need it! it's time for the old west to come back anew!
wicked cool character!! Love his attitude!
Thanks guys!
Piotr- I'm with you, man. I've had enough Hollywood people tell me that nobody wants to see a western anymore, to convince me it's high time for a new one!
Alina- I just visited your page, and I love your stuff!
Great to see you with a blog, Ernie. Great stuff. Hope to see you around soon...
damn these are awesome! The expressions in those characters faces are killer!
"cow" boys! what a simple concept! LOL! damn that I didnt think of it! Love the overall design of these characters veeeery clean and streamlined love your economy of line.
You happen to remember an old 90s show called C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa? Ninja Turtle TV Show producer made that show?
Watched it all on Youtube, myself.
Kinda on the same level as that.
I personally hope that tough guy bull is the hero rather then the villain. I've been thinking about role reversals lately. Could do that lex luthor thing where you got big muscly superman and Lex who is virtually invulnerably politically despite his dealings.
I got a question.. Why can't shows get dark anymore? I think Spectacular Spiderman and Avatar have been the darkest TV has been going recently.. That and Danny Phantom went pretty deep sometimes too.
Nice Page!
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